The Galley

The galley — or an advanced reader’s copy minus the cover — of my novel Acquisition is here.


This is an exciting time for any author, but especially for the debut novelist. We get to see how the pages will align, how the chapters will lay out.


You’ve seen the cover before, but I’m adding it again because I like it, and I can. *wink*

I know some of you have expressed concern over my thinning presence on the blog, and I do apologize for that. But every time I have had the chance to go over the manuscript during the many editing processes a novel goes through before it reaches this stage, I’ve taken it seriously and re-read the entire thing from first word to last.

It’s impressive to follow an editor’s way of seeing the words from your head in a different light than you may have intended. Future readers will also bring their own perceptions and life experience.

In order to make it as clean and as thoroughly thought-through as possible, I’m going over it again. Although I can’t make changes directly to the manuscript at this stage, I can make a list of suggestions if I find errors. So this isn’t a step to skip.

I hope you will all cheer me on as I go over the galley — first word to last — as I have done before. But that means I will be noticeably missing for another stretch of time. I’ll be checking in on your blog posts as often as possible.

So now that you know what my summer project is; what is yours?

Renee Johnson is the author of Acquisition, and The Haunting of William Gray.  She is currently working on a Young Adult novel, while editing a suspense novel which has international flair–an homage to her love of travel and foreign food.  She lives on a farm in North Carolina with her husband, Tony Johnson, and one very spoiled German shepherd named Gretel.   

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  1. Renee, I’m so excited for you and the progress of your novel! This is truly a journey, and like any journey, takes time. We all fight the reality that blogging is an additional love/task (depending on the day, from my perspective!) on top of the rest of life’s demands. I’ll be excited to see your posts whenever you have time to write, and to hear about the release of your book. Congratulations in every way! ~ Sheila

  2. ~happy dance~ If I was you, Nothing could wipe the smile off my face nor the joy in my heart. I’m so happy for you! ~applause~

  3. Cheering you on Renee, and fully understand! My summer project is still writing my memoir. Getting there, day by day… 🙂

  4. Congratulations, Renee. This is so terribly exciting! My project this summer is simple: to read more books, and to keep writing, including writing more stories for my local neighborhood newspaper. I really enjoy that. Happy Summer and best of luck as your book gets ready for publication.

  5. Hahooie! You are so close! I know it seems endless at this stage.

    I know exactly what you mean about seeing your words interpreted through someone else’s mind. It is astounding that no matter how clearly we think we have expressed ourselves, another person will interpret those same words in a slightly different way. That is art, isn’t it? The interpretation, the nuances, the personal experiences that readers bring to the text. And the realization, at times, that some element or idea we assumed was self-evident because it is so “in our own head” is actually lost to the reader.

    Keep at it. Don’t be distracted by the virtual world which will always be waiting for you when the time is right.

    1. You understand completely. People don’t see you as you are, they see you as they are, and that concept translates into the written word. Everybody brings something in and takes something away. Amazing, really.

  6. It must be totally consuming and unbelievably exciting, Renee 🙂 I’m especially grateful that you’ve found time to visit with me. Thank you so much 🙂

  7. Your willingness to re-read and double-check is one of the signs of a true writer. It isn’t easy, especially after spending months with a manuscript in its earlier stages. Good luck, Renee. I hope you sell a million. I’m sure you’ll let us know when it’s available.

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